Mur y gwahân dros amser maith

(Gorphenwyd! - Rhan II)
Mur y gwahân dros amser maith,
  Na ddo un waith, ni syflwyd;
Dattododd hwn,
    er cryfed oedd,
  O flaen y floedd, "Gorphenwyd!"

Holl allu Satan roed yn gaeth, 
  A'r fuddugoliaeth gafwyd,
Pan lefodd Crist, ar derfyn awr
  Y rhyfel mawr, "Gorphenwyd!"

Cyfiawnder Duw
    mewn dwyfol Iawn
  Yn gyfiawn a foddlonwyd,
Pan lefodd Crist y nawfed awr
  Y gwerthfawr air, "Gorphenwyd!"

Yr ebyrth oll er
      dechreu'r byd,
  Yn Nghrist a gyd-sylweddwyd;
Ei Jubili, trwy'i angeu ef,
  Gyhoeddai'r llef, "Gorphenwyd!"
David Jones 1805-68

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Morganwg (alaw Almaenaidd)
Oldenburg (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)

  Rhan I - Pan hoeliwyd Iesu ar y pren
  Rhan III - Mae Duw yn maddeu a glanhâu

(It is finished! - Part 2)
The wall of separation over a long time,
  That not once was shifted;
This was demolished,
    despite how strong it was,
  Before the shout, "It is finished!"

All Satan's power was put in captivity,
  And the victory was got,
When Crist cries, at the end of an hour
  Of the great war, "It is finished!"

The righteousness of God
    in divine Satisfaction
  Righteously was satisfied,
When Christ cried at the ninth hour
  The precious word, "It is finished!"

All the sacrifices since
    the beginning of the world,
  In Christ were realized together;
His Jubilee, through his death,
  The cry, "It is finished!" would publish.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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